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Biotin Injections for Healthy Hair and Skin

Biotin Injections for Healthy Hair and Skin


Injections for Healthy Hair, Strong Nails and Glowing Skin

Biotin injections are used for the improvement of fine, fragile or thinning hair and brittle nails.
Biotin is a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process — it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails.
Biotin is a vitamin B and it is present in foods like eggs and liver. However, it would take a huge amount of eggs and liver to provide you with the 5mg. of biotin that you would need for healthy hair and nails. A biotin supplement can provide your body with the necessary amount of biotin it needs to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss without additional calories and without having to eat liver.
As a member of the B-vitamin family. It assists in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein. It serves as a critical component of several enzymes and is involved in energy metabolism. The major benefit of biotin however, is its ability to strengthening hair and nails.

Men and Women who are experiencing hair loss may be able to keep their hair longer and promote hair growth by getting injections.
In recent studies, Biotin showed to have helped with hair loss and brittle nails in 91% of patients.

Recommended Use:

Biotin injections are administered 1-2 times per week.  A three month course is recommended for best results.

Biotin Injection $45  (Consultation and Injection)


(Please note: We do not ship our injections. All injections and procedures are done in office only. Appointments are required.)





Lipolean Injections for Muscle Building

Lipolean Injections for Muscle Building

Lipolean Muscle Builder is great for better results at the gym.

Taking vitamins and amino acids is one of the simplest things you can do to lose weight, build muscle, and raise your energy levels.

Lipolean contains essential amino-acids and the L-Carnitine. Carnitine assists in fat metabolism and plays an essential role in making fatty acids available for muscle tissue.

By elevating the amount of L-Carnitine and other amino acids stored in your muscles, you will see real results from your workouts.  Taking Lipolean is known to improve work capacity,  athletic performance, recovery from intense exercise, and brain function.  It has been shown to prevent oxidative stress that leads to longer term health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic inflammation.

It has been established that an adequate supply of l-carnitine is necessary for the maintenance of good health. L-carnitine transports long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane to be metabolized. L-carnitine aids in the release of stored body fat, tryglycerides, into the bloodstream for energy. Tryglycerides are the major source for the production of energy in the heart and skeletal muscles. Access to l-carnitine is believed to increase energy levels for long-term aerobic activity. L-carnitine is also responsible for muscle contraction, regulation of protein balance and maintenance of a healthy heart. Research also suggests that an adequate supply of l-carnitine could be instrumental in the treatment of diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney and liver disease. ( Since its involvement in the process of burning fats is of most importance to those interested in endurance and body fitness


  • Dissolve Fat
  • Build Muscle
  • Enhance Workouts
  • Boost Energy
  • Recover Faster


Once per week

Learn about L-Carnitine


Lipolean Injection $49 (Consultation and Injection)


(Please note: We do not ship our injections. All injections and procedures are done in the office only. Appointments are required.)

B12+ for Energy

B12+ for Energy

B12+ Energy Booster

If, like many Americans, you’ve tried everything to boost your energy, but still feel drained, you may want to start looking for answers elsewhere.

B12 Plus+ is a more active and methylated form of B12.

Low levels of vitamin B12, a vitamin that lies at the core of our body’s ability to make DNA for new cells, form healthy red blood cells, and turn the food we eat into energy to power our metabolism, is often overlooked. Recent studies suggest anywhere from 15-40% of Americans don’t have adequate levels of B12 for optimal health.

Why is a lack of B12 of such concern? In the short term, insufficient B12 levels can lead to deep fatigue, mood changes, and dementia-like qualities, preventing you from feeling your best and performing at your highest energy level. In the long term, an unchecked vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage, which is why it’s important to catch it early.

B12 Plus+ Uses:

Energy Boost

Healthier Hair

Healthier Skin

Better mood


Symptoms of B12 Deficiency

Overall lack of energy

Unusual mood changes

Difficulty concentrating or remembering things

Tingling or numbness in hands or feet

Inflamed, red, cracked tongue


Recommended Injections:

1-2 Times per week

B12 Plus+ Energy Booster $35  (Consultation and Injection)


(Please note: We do not ship our injections. All injections and procedures are done in the office only. Appointments are required.)


Vitamin D for Mood

Vitamin D for Mood

Vitamin D … known as the Sunshine Vitamin

1) Enhances your mood

2) Boosts your immune system

3) Strengthens your bones

4) Alleviates muscle aches

According to lead researcher Todd Doyle, Ph.D., vitamin D supplementation “is a promising treatment for both pain and depression.”

As the research into vitamin D is accumulating, it’s hard to know where the accolades should start. “Activated vitamin D is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer cell growth,” says Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, who heads the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine. “It also stimulates your pancreas to make insulin. It regulates your immune system.”

Recommended Use:

Vitamin D3 injections are recommended once per month.

Vitamin D3 Injections $49  (Consultation and Injection)


(Please note: We do not ship our injections. All injections and procedures are done in the office only. Appointments are required.)


Consider these recent studies:

  • At Boston University, after people with high blood pressure were exposed to UVA and UVB rays for three months, their vitamin D levels increased by more than 100% — and more impressively, their high blood pressure normalized. “We’ve followed them now for nine months, and their hypertension continues to be in remission,” says Holick, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University. One theory about how vitamin D reduces blood pressure: It decreases the production of a hormone called renin, which is believed to play a role in hypertension.
  • In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in December 2003, of more than 3,000 veterans (ages 50 to 75) at 13 Veterans Affairs medical centers, those who consumed more than 645 IU of vitamin D a day along with more than 4 grams per day of cereal fiber had a 40% reduction in their risk of developing precancerous colon polyps.
  • In a report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in February 2004, researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland showed that elderly women who took a vitamin D supplement plus calcium for three months reduced their risk of falling by 49% compared with consuming calcium alone. Those women who had fallen repeatedly in the past seemed to gain the most benefit from vitamin D.
  • A study in the Jan. 13, 2004 issue of Neurology indicated that women who get doses of vitamin D that are typically found in daily multivitamin supplements — of at least 400 international units — are 40% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis compared with those not taking over-the-counter supplements.


Vitamin Pack Injection for Energy

Vitamin Pack Injection for Energy

Vitamin Pack Injection: All Natural Vitamin Packed Injection to boost energy levels.

Vitamin Pack Injection for Energy is a mixture of Vitamins and minerals, also known as micronutrients, these are a critical component of good nutrition. This vitamin pack injection covers many deficiencies. By eliminating the deficiencies of our body we gave it energy. Recharge yourself with a pack of these nutrients. Keep in mind that this Vitamin pack injection is all natural.

The Vitamin Pack injection is a supercharged injection that includes Fe, Mg, B9, complete B-Complex, B12 and more. The Vitamin Pack injection will help increase energy levels as well as your metabolism.

Referred to as B complex, the eight B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) play an important role in keeping our bodies running like well-oiled machines. These essential nutrients help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits. These benefits range from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventing memory loss or migraines.

A vitamin injection can add many benefits to your life. The most important being increased energy. A direct injection of complete vitamins outweigh the benefits of a pill.


Increases Energy levels

Increases Metabolism


Promotes better Mood

Aids in Digestion

Recommended Use

Once per week

V-Pack Injection $49  (Consultation and Injection)


(Please note: We do not ship our injections. All injections and procedures are done in the office only. Appointments are required.)


V-Pack (main ingredients)



B-1 (Thiamine)

Metabolism of carbohydrates and sugars into energy; maintains healthy hair, skin, nerve cells and muscle

B-2 (Riboflavin)

Converts food into energy; maintains hair, skin, nails, muscle, nerve cells and red blood cell production

B-3 (Niacin)

Helps convert food into energy; required for fat and carbohydrate metabolism; maintains healthy skin, blood cells, brain, and nervous system

B-5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Helps to convert food to energy; helps make red blood cells, hormones, and brain substances

B-6 (Pyridoxine)

Helps convert food into energy; involved in production of fats, hormones, red blood cells and brain substances

B-12 (Cyanocobalamin)

Helps to make new cells and in metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids; helps in normal nerve cell growth and DNA production; helps make red blood cell; may lower risk of heart disease by lowering homocysteine levels

B-7 (Biotin)

Helps convert food into energy and in amino acid metabolism and glucose and fatty acid production; maintains healthy hair and bones

B-8 (Folate)

Maintains healthy spine and brain development in developing embryo; involved in red blood cell production; may lower risk of heart disease by lowering homocysteine levels


Our products are produced and manufactured by Obahi Laboratories, Inc.